03.12.2020 • 

Match the vocabulary word with its definition. 1. a graph used to compare quantities that are represented by bars frequency table 2. a Euler path that ends at the starting vertex central tendency 3. a path in a vertex-edge graph that starts at any vertex and visits every edge once only (vertices may be repeated) histogram 4. a Hamilton path that ends at the starting vertex Hamilton path 5. a path in a vertex-edge graph that starts at any vertex and visits every other vertex once only (edges may be repeated) stem-and-leaf plot 6. a sample not representative of the entire population biased sample 7. a diagram consisting of a set of points (called vertices) along with segments or arcs (called edges) joining some or all of the points vertex edge graph 8. ways to describe or summarize data Euler path 9. the smallest and largest values in a data set Euler circuit 10. display that shows data in groups or intervals bar graph 11. a bar graph in which the categories are consecutive numerical intervals stem 12. the leading digit(s) in a stem-and-leaf plot Venn diagram 13. data display that shows data arranged in numerical order Hamilton circuit 14. a diagram that uses circles and a rectangle to show the relationships that exist between different sets extreme values

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