30.05.2020 • 

Math Challenge
Directions: Read each question carefully and write your response on the lines given
My team had to win a certain number of games to make it to the finals, and we
won every 6th game we played. If my team qualified for the finals after our 96th game,
how many wins did we need?
2. Each day for a month, Sully wakes up 5 minutes earlier than he did 23. the day
before. If Sully woke up at 6:50 a.m. on a Monday, on what
day did he wake up at 6:20 a.m.
3. I wrote the 101 integers from 1 to 101 in order on paper. If I wrote 101 digits per
line, What was the sum of the last 4 digits on the first line?
What is the ratio of to its reciprocal?
5. Angel arrived of an hour early for her noon appointment. At what time did Angel

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