09.02.2021 • 

Nigel and Mia are searching for a treasure chest under water. The straight line distance between them is 100 meters. A triangle has points Nigel, Mia, and Treasure Chest. The distance from Nigel to Mia is 100 meters. The angle between Treasure Chest, Nigel, and Mia is 65 degrees. The angle between Nigel, Mia, and Treasure Chest is 80 degrees.

Given the angles in the diagram, who is closer to the treasure chest and why?

Nigel is closer because his distance to the chest is opposite the larger angle.
Mia is closer because her distance to the chest is opposite the smaller angle.
Nigel is closer because his distance from the chest is 100 meters.
Mia is closer because her distance from the chest is 100 meters.

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