21.09.2019 • 

Ob-sharing is an innovative employment alternative that originated in sweden and is becoming popular in the united states (for example, in 2001, 26% of companies in the u.s. o↵ered it as a flexible work option). firms that o↵er job-sharing plans allow two or more persons to work part-time, sharing one full-time job. for example, two job-sharers might alternate work weeks, with one working while the other is o↵. job-sharers never work at the same time, and may not even know each other. job-sharing is particularly attractive to working mothers and to people who frequently lose their jobs due to fluctuations in the economy. in a recent survey of 1,035 major u.s. firms, approximately 22% o↵er job-sharing to their employees.for each of the questions, select the correct answer from choices i. through xi. listed below.(a) what is the population of interest? (b) what is the variable measured? (c) what is the sample selected? (d) what is the parameter? (e) what is the statistic? answer choices: i. all major u.s. firmsii. all major firms in the worldiii. all u.s. firmsiv. job-sharing availabilityv. proportion of employees who are working mothersvi. the 1,035 firms surveyedvii. the percentage of all u.s. major firms which o↵er job-sharing to their employeesviii. the percentage of the 1035 major firms surveyed which o↵er job-sharing to their employeesix. 25%x. the percentage of all u.s. major firms which employ working mothersxi. all workers in the u.s. who have participated in he job-sharing program

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