07.03.2020 • 

On an exam, the average grade was 50% and the standard deviation was 13%. If we assume that the exam scores are normally distributed, calculate the following

a. What is the probability that a student scored less than 60%
b, what is the probability that a student scored at least 60%?
c. what is the probability that a student scored between 35 and 55%?
d. What is the probability that a student scored within 1 standard deviation of the mean?
e. You want to study with someone who scored more than one standard deviation above the mean. What is the probability that you will need to ask 8 people before you find someone to study with? If a student will get an A on the exam if they are above the 80th percentile, what exam score must they have achieved to get an A? f. 8. If there are 20 students in the class, what is the probability that 4 will receive an A on the exam?

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