11.09.2021 • 

Part 2 - United States Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook Career Research
1. Now that the career interest inventory is complete and you have chosen two careers of interest.
you will find more information about each selected career using the United States Department of
Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook website at http://www.bls.gov/ooh.
2. Using the site's A-Z index of all occupations, find information about the first career of interest you
chose from the My Next Move inventory.
3. When you find the chosen career of interest, you will be directed to a page that highlights points
about the career, including:
a. What They Do
b. Work Environment
C. How to Become One
d. Pay
e. Job Outlook
f. Similar Occupations
Print or save this information about the career of interest; you will need this information when
creating your PowerPoint presentation
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the second career of interest you chose from the My Next Move
5. The United States Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook career research is now

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