09.04.2020 • 

PART B: Which section from the text bests supports the answer to Part A?
[RI. 1]
"I vividly remember being woken up in the middle of the night and gathering the
few belongings we could and walking for about two hours to a safe house. For a
week, we slept under our beds because we were worried that bullets might fly
through the window." (Paragraph 1)
"How could a country go so bad so fast? Most people would agree that it's all
because of leadership. One man, President Robert Mugabe, is almost single-
handedly responsible for having destroyed this country." (Paragraph 5)
"In Africa, more than anywhere else in the world, the difference that just one
good leader can make is much greater than anywhere else, and here's why. It's
because in Africa, we have weak institutions, like the judiciary, the constitution,
civil society and so forth." (Paragraph 7)
"I believe that we need to create African institutions, home-grown, that will
identify and develop these leaders in a systematic, practical way. We've been
doing this for the last 10 years through the African Leadership Academy."
(Paragraph 13)

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