19.12.2020 • 

Please help :) The graph of g(x) is shown.

The graph of h(x) = g(x + 5) has _____________and _____________.

the options for the first dropdown box are: the same horizontal asympote as function g, a horizontal asympote at y=5, a horizontal asympote of y=8.

the options for the second dropdown box are: the same vertical asympote as function g, a vertical asympote at y=-7, a vertical asympote at y=-5, a vertical asympote at y=3.

a picture is added below :). thank you so much you dont know how much i appreciate your help <3 :).

Please help :)

The graph of g(x) is shown.
The graph of h(x) = g(x + 5) has _____________and ____

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