17.02.2022 • 

PLEASE HELP! THIS is Due!! 12. Ms. Emily went on a 792-mile biking trip. She rode her bike for 6 hours each day at an
average rate of 12 miles per hour. How many days did it take her to finish the trip?
13. Mrs. Fernandez, Mrs. Sosa, and Ms. Emily want to buy a gift for Mrs. Castillo. If the gift
cost $ 225.00 with taxes how much does each person have to give? What method did you use?
14. Ms. Sosa is baking cookies for her students. If each batch contains about 2 dozen to 4 dozen
cookies. What is a reasonable estimate of the total number of cookies Ms. Sosa baked?
15. There are 10 rows of math books in the library. In the first row there are 5 books. Each row
below had 7 more books in in than the row above. How many books were in the 10th row?

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