24.01.2021 • 

Please hurry Which expression shows how to convert 60 hours to days?

StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 1 hour Over 24 days EndFraction
Image with alt text: StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 1 hour Over 24 days EndFraction

StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 1 day Over 24 hours EndFraction
Image with alt text: StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 1 day Over 24 hours EndFraction

StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 24 hours Over 1 day EndFraction
Image with alt text: StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 24 hours Over 1 day EndFraction

StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 24 days Over 1 hour EndFraction
Image with alt text: StartFraction 60 hours Over 1 EndFraction times StartFraction 24 days Over 1 hour EndFraction

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