09.06.2021 • 

Question 2 A different random sample of 1,000 people yielded the results recorded in table 2. Use this data to answer the questions that follow.

Table 2

people who wear corrective lenses 745
people who wear glasses 618
people who wear contact lenses 127

Part A
What percentage of Americans would you predict wear corrective lenses?

Part B
What percentage of Americans would you predict wear glasses?

Part C
What percentage of Americans would you predict wear contact lenses?

Part D
How many of the 320 million Americans would you predict wear corrective lenses?

Part E
How many of the 320 million Americans would you predict wear glasses?

Part F
How many of the 320 million Americans would you predict wear contact lenses?

Part G
Why aren’t the two samples given in Table 1 and Table 2 exactly the same? Why do the two tables lead to slightly different results in the calculations?

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