27.04.2021 • 

QUESTION 3 - Engineers must make their calculations and adjust their sums to ensure that they have considered these margins, and society expects them to do so. So it is even more alarming when things like this happen. I am not going to address the reasons for tragedies like these, but they are part of why technological change happens very slowly. Nobody wants this to happen .., analyze it as the following statements and check (V) for the TRUE and (F) for the FALSE. () Clients do not want it to happen in their projects, obviously; () And, of course, they want innovation. Innovation is vital; () And, of course, they do not want innovation. Innovation is vital; () Clients want it to happen in their projects, obviously; () Security is not important; 2 points
(A) V - V - F - F - F.
(B) V - F - V - V - F.
(C) F- V - F- F- V
(D) V - V - V - F - F

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