14.05.2021 • 

Raoul performed an experiment using 16 windup rubber band single-propeller airplanes. He wound up the propeller a different number of times and recorded the amount of time (in seconds) that the airplane flew for each number of rotations that the propeller was wound. A regression analysis was performed and the partial computer output is given below. The regression equation is
Time = 0.924 + 0.0462 Rotations

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 0.9241 0.6413 1.44 0.172
Rotation 0.04625 0.01565 2.96 0.010

S= 0.5426 R-Sq= 38.4% R-Sq(adj) =34.0%

What is a 95 percent confidence interval for the slope of the regression line that relates the number of rotations the rubber band is wound and the plane's flight time?

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