25.02.2021 • 

Residents of a community currently pay a fee for recreational services in their neighborhood, such as tennis courts, running trails, and a pool. To assess whether there is support for raising the fee for the upcoming summer, a random
sample of 50 residents is contacted and asked this question: "Would you support a $10 increase in the recreational
fee to support programs for the health and well-being of children in the community?" Of the 50 residents contacted,
42 approved of the fee increase. Which statement describes a likely source of bias present in the survey results?
There may be little bias in the results because a random sample of residents was taken.
Question wording bias may be present because the question leads those responding toward a certain response.
O Nonresponse bias may be present because many who support the fee increase may choose to not respond.
O Undercoverage bias may be present because some parts of the community may not be represented in the survey

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