11.02.2020 • 

Rock - paper - scissor #2 A common way for two people to settle a dispute is to play a game of rock - paper - scissors. In this game, each person simultaneously displays a hand signal to indicate a rock, a piece of paper, or pair of scissors, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. If both players select the same hand signal, the game result in a tie. On a given evening, two roommates, roommate A and roommate , are arguing over who should control the television remote. Roommate A suggests a game of rock - paper - scissors to settle the dispute. It's the first time that the roommates have played each other in rock - paper - scissors, so there is no history of the choice made by either roommate. However, roommate B thinks that the three possibilities for his roommate's choice of hand signal are not equally likely. Based on his roommate's behavior in other similar games, roommate B believes that there is a 0.50 probability that this roommate will choose rock and a 0.44 probability that his roommate will choose paper. The probabities are assigned using the _. Suppose that roommate B's probability assignment are correct. What can say about p ( SA ) , the probability that roommates A chooses scissors? Check all that apply. 0 P ( S ) 1 P ( SA ) = 0.13 P ( SA ) = 0.06 1 P ( SA ) 2 P ( SA ) = 0.31 Assume that roommate probability assignment are correct. Roommate B would like to use the hand signal with the highest probability of winning the game. What would you advise roommate B to use? You can a play of the game by game's result on roommate B's probability assignments. That is, the chance that roommate A rock is P ( R ) , the chance that he chooses paper is P ( PA ) , and the chance that he chooses scissors is P ( SA ) , where P ( RA ) , P ( PA ) , and P ( SA ) have been previously determined. Okay, play it now! ( Click the red PLAY! to roommate A's choice. )

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