28.11.2020 • 

Since no one clicked on link ta da Rosa is in a bowling league. These are her scores for the season.
132 118 122 106 94 94 112 118
104 120 108 104 96 122 130 116
104 118 106 124

a) Display Rosa’s scores in a stem-and-
leaf plot.

b) What is the range of scores? The range
is the difference between the highest
and lowest score.
c) The team’s mean score was 110. In
what percent of her games did Rosa
score above 110 points?
d) C re ate a bar graph to show Rosa’s
s c o res. Label the hori zontal axis “ G a m e
nu m b e r ” and the ve rtical axis “ Po i n t s
s c o re d.”

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