06.06.2020 • 

Suppose your waiting time for a bus in the morning is uniformly distributed on (0,5), whereas waiting time in the evening is uniformly distributed on [0,10] independent of morning waiting time. Hint: Uniform distribution with range (A,B) has mean and variance respectively. u = 478; o2 = (B-4)2 12 a. If you take the bus each morning and evening for a week (i.e., 5 days), what is your total expected waiting time? [Hint: Define random variables X1, .. X10 and use a rule of expected value.) b. What is the variance of your total waiting time? Hint: compute the variances of Uniform(0,5) and Uniform(0,10). c. What are the expected value and variance of the difference between morning and evening waiting times on a given day? d. What are the expected value and variance of the difference between total morning waiting time and total evening waiting time for a particular week?

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