03.12.2020 • 

The cross section of a bridge is shown in the diagram. (first picture goes here)
Design Specifications
• The bridge is 55 ft 6 in. wide.
• The distance from either edge of the bridge to the nearest l-beam is 3 ft.
• The thickness of the web of each I-beam is ft.
• The distance from each I-beam to the next is b.
1. An equation to find the distance b between I-beams is .
2. The distance b between I-beams is .

Two companies offer bids on building the bridge. The bids depend on the distance b and the number of I-beams.
(second pictures goes here)
3. a. What is the current total bid from each company for building the bridge?
b. Which company would you choose if you wanted the less
expensive bid?
4. Suppose the distance b could be adjusted. For what value of b would the bids
from the two companies be equal?

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