02.12.2020 • 

The Deep Submergence Vehicle, Alvin, can dive to a maximum depth of 14,764 ft. If sea level is 0, then this depth can be written as -14,764 ft. The deepest point in the Pacific Ocean, as well as the world, is a location called Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. It has a depth of -35,840 ft. 1) Determine the distance from the bottom of the trench to Alvin when the submarine was at its maximum dive depth.

Then, find the distance between Alvin at its deepest dive depth and the following points. For each calculation, write an equation and your solution.

2) The Puerto Rico Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, -28,374 ft.

3) The Eurasia Basin in the Arctic Ocean, -17,881 ft.

4) The Java Trench in the Indian Ocean, -23,376 ft.

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