30.03.2020 • 

The following box plot shows points awarded to dance teams that competed at a recent competition:

box plot with number line titled Points earned at competition with 0 as the minimum, 50 as quartile 1, 70 as the median, 95 as quartile 3, and 100 as the maximum

Which dot plot best represents the box plot data?

dot plot titled Dance Competition Points with Points on the x axis and Number of Teams on the y axis with 1 dot over 0, 2 dots over 50, 1 dot over 70, 2 dots over 95, 1 dot over 100, 2 dots over 110
dot plot titled Dance Competition Points with Points on the x axis and Number of Teams on the y axis with 2 dots over 50, 1 dot over 70, 2 dots over 95, 1 dot over 100, 2 dots over 110
dot plot titled Dance Competition Points with Points on the x axis and Number of Teams on the y axis with 1 dot over 0, 2 dots over 50, 1 dot over 70, 2 dots over 95, 1 dot over 100
dot plot titled Dance Competition Points with Points on the x axis and Number of Teams on the y axis with 2 dots over 50, 1 dot over 70, 3 dots over 95, 1 dot over 100, 2 dots over 110

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