17.04.2021 • 

The table gives the amount of money (in dollars) spent on football by a major university. Letting x
represent the number of years since 2008, and letting
represent the amount of money spent on football, in thousands of dollars, use the regression capabilities of a graphing calculator to find the equation of the line of best fit.

Round values off to the nearest hundredth.

Then, use your equation to make the following predictions.

Dollars spent on football168,000192,000200,000222,000245,000293,000
The equation of the line of best fit is:

Incorrect Hint


When putting coordinates into your graphing calculator, remember that x represents the number of years since 2008. Therefore, for the year 2010, use an x-coordinate of 2.

Also - Remember that y represents money spent in THOUSANDS of dollars. Therefore, for a value of $192,000, use a y-coordinate of 192.

Predict the amount of money that will be spent on football in the year 2021.



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