10.06.2021 • 

The volume of a cylindrical canister is given by the formula V=nr^2h Part1. Write a function f(V) to express the radius of the canister as a function of the volume. Part 2. Suppose a certain type of canister must have a height of 32 centimeters (cm), so the quantity nh is about 100 cm. Write an updated version of the function f(V), using 100 for nh, to determine the radius of the canister that would result in certain volumes. Complete the table to find the values of f(V) for V = 25; 100; 625; 900; 2,500; and 10,000. Part 3. Plot the points from your table on the grid and sketch the graph. Part 4. If the graph were rotated 90° counterclockwise about the origin, which function would the result resemble? Explain your answers, including relating the two functions. This question left me stumped. I can't think of an answer, please show me how you do it so I can understand this better and not need help.​

The volume of a cylindrical canister is given by the formula V=nr^2h Part1. Write a function f(V) t

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