01.03.2021 • 

There are 20 total socks, 10 white and 10 black. This makes 10 total matching pairs of 5 pair of white and 5 pair of black. Required:
a. What is the total probability of picking a white sock and then another white sock (one pair of white socks)?
b. What is the probability of picking one white sock?
c. What is the probability of picking one black sock?
d. What is the probability of picking a second white sock after first picking a white sock?
e. What is the probability of picking a second black sock after first picking a black sock?
f. What is the probability of picking a black sock after first picking a white sock?
g. What is the probability of picking either a pair of white socks or a pair of black socks?
h. If each time you pick a sock from the drawer a sock just like it magically replaces it, what is the probability of picking either a pair of white socks or a pair of black socks?
i. How can you guarantee success of picking a matching pair? In other words, what is the minimum number of socks needing to be picked to guarantee a matching pair?

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