Throughout all of these readings, I have learned a lot not only about myself, but also about many other topics of wellness. Wether they be personal and mental or even things such as occupational and environmental. I have come to learn that I am a determined individual with my workouts and healthy eating habits. My weight has increased which for me is a positive as I am attempting to pack on muscle which weighs more than fat. My thoughts and feelings towards these chapters have changed a lot but stayed primarily attentive in gathering all these new resources to help myself out in creating a better me I learned that the majority of people want to lower their BMI and fall short due to having to count calories and the constant feeling of hunger. I learned that even while you're sitting, your blood sugar levels are rising and your insulin goes up as well. This article gave great examples on ways to control ones blood sugar levels, reduce BMI, and to find ways that work for everyone.

This article was great for understanding the statistics behind race and how that could affect body weight. Showing what percentage of races are overweight adults and describing how some ethnic groups have what is called a "thrifty genes". It also describes how weight can easily vary throughout our life stages too. for example, many toddlers have a higher percentile of weight to height but decrease to normal as they grow.

This article described the processes of diets, weight loss drugs, and surgeries. Although many people hate even the idea of a diet, they can be some of the most affective and safest ways of losing weight. Pills can help too but make sure to consult with a medical professional first. Weight loss surgeries are also available now too. These surgeries are for those who are unable to lose weight and can most of the time become a permanent fix although they can become very pricey.

This graphic shows the weight loss myth busters. It describes the myths many of us believe to be true in losing weight and debunks them through data and statistics while providing more of a healthy way to go about losing weight.

This article goes over the many tips for weight management and describes them in detail. For example, one of the first tips to weight management is to consider losing one half to one pound per week a success. Don't become discouraged but yet encourage yourself to do better and become a better more healthier person.

This video describes as expected the mathematics behind weight loss. The math behind it all is simple in the ways of starting out with the question of "where does weight go when you lose it"? The answer for this is a scientific particle equation In a sequence of adding energy which is though the form of heat or movement to release fat.a compensation package is

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