22.05.2020 • 

Two Players (#1 and #2) play a gambling game involving tossing (fair) coin up to five times. Player one picks head player two pick tails. Whichever Player Wins the most coin flips out of 5 wins the entire pot of money (=60). So here is how the game proceeds: 1st flip is heads, 2nd Flip is tails and the 3rd flip is tails. At this point player #2 is ahead (2-1) but an emergency causes them to terminate the game. Determine how to evenly distribute the $60 between the 2 plays based on the current status of the game.
(Hint: Formulate A sample space or three diagram illustrate how the game might have ended had it finished to completion to determine what percentage of the $60 pot each player each player should be awarded to make it fair”

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