15.08.2019 • 

Understanding mathematics, resource 2, chapter nine.
6. if i think of a number, halve it, take away 5 and then add on 3 times the
number i thought of i end up with a number that is 4 more than twice the
number i first thought of. what was the number i first thought of?
7. i think of a number and add it to twice itself. if i then take away one less
than the number first thought of i end up with an answer of 9. find the
number first thought of.
8 i think of a number, add 4 and then multiply the answer by 5. i could
have achieved the same final answer had i instead multiplied my chosen
number by 4 and then added 5. what was the number i thought of?
9. if i take a particular number from 3, double the answer and take the
result of doing this from the answer obtained by multiplying the particular
number by 3 and adding 15, i end up with 25. what is the particular
number i started with?
10. i think of a number, add three, divide the answer by 2 and then add 7
this gives an answer that is the same as i would have obtained had i
instead doubled the number first thought of and then taken away 8. find
the number first thought of
pls answer whichever you can do!

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