03.12.2020 • 

Unit Activity: Budgeting < > 5 of 6 Save & Exi The remaining expenses Roxy must account for in her personal budget are food, pet expenses, household and personal supplies, and health care. She makes a table to record the estimated amount she spent on each expense for the last six months of the previous year. Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6-month total $384 $360 $407 $356 $395 $411 $2,313 groceries dining out $32 $27 $15 $64 $45 $20 $203 $150 $180 $445 $130 $140 $155 $1,200 pet expenses household/personal supplies $160 $110 $170 $150 $180 $115 $885 health care $35 $55 $35 $35 $35 $35 $230 total $761 $732 $1,072 $735 $795 $736 Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Round each figure to the nearest whole dollar. Roxy's average monthly expense for her dog is $ Roxy spends an average of $ on food each month. Even though Roxy spent more on household and personal supplies during the month of than any other month, she plans to budget the average amount for this expense: $

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