16.11.2020 • 

Use the data in the table to answer the question. Citations are "speeding tickets." You may fill in the table to help you answer the question. Use a calculator or online resource to find the correlation coefficient and interpret what it means.

A.)The correlation coefficient is 0.6. Since that value is closer to 1 than 0, there is a moderately strong correlation between driving fast and getting a ticket. However, you cannot conclude that driving faster increases your chances of getting a speeding ticket.

B.)The correlation coefficient is 0.16. Since that value is closer to 0 than 1, there is a weak correlation between driving fast and getting a ticket. Therefore, you can conclude that driving faster decreases your chances of getting a speeding ticket.

C.)The correlation coefficient is 0.16. Since that value is closer to 0 than 1, there is a weak correlation between driving fast and getting a ticket. However, you cannot conclude that driving faster decreases your chances of getting a speeding ticket.

D.)The correlation coefficient is 0.6. Since that value is closer to 1 than 0, there is a moderately strong correlation between driving fast and getting a ticket. Therefore, you can conclude that driving faster increases your chances of getting a speeding ticket.

Use the data in the table to answer the question. Citations are speeding tickets. You may fill in

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