21.04.2021 • 

[Vent warning] Im probably wasting points by doing this but i need to vent so uh
i dont feel good
we have to finish all study island sections and if we don't we get 2-4 0s put in if if i get 2-4 0s put in im most likely going to fail math which means i will fail the grade
i stayed on the computer for 4 hrs straight having to listen to my parents fight and my brother crying and through all that i got 1 blue ribbon (blue ribbons mean 80 or higher which is what u have to have on all study islands to complete it)
and on top of all this i have an exam tomorrow and the next day and a math exam on Wednesday.
math is the subject i struggle with the most
recently i have had harmful thoughts so doing the entire study island subject im most weakest at isnt helping me
i could talk more abt this but nah
so anyways thats it bye

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