23.12.2019 • 

Virginia's ron mcpherson electronics corporation retains a service crew to repair machine breakdowns that occur on an average of lambda = 2 per 8-hour workday (approximately poisson in nature). the crew can service an average of mu = 8 machines per workday, with a repair time distribution that resembles the exponential distribution.

a) the utilization rate of this service system = (round your response to two decimal places).
b) the average downtime for a broken machine = days (round your response to two decimal places).
c) the average number of machines waiting to receive service at any given time = machines (round your response to three decimal places).
d) the probability that there is more than one machine that is in the system = (round your response to three decimal places).
the probability that there are more than two machines that are in the system = (round your response to three decimal places).
the probability that there are more than three machines that are in the system = (round your response to three decimal places).
the probability that there are more than four machines that are in the system = (round your response to three decimal places).

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