Which graph describes the open sentence –1 ≤ n + 2 ≤ 6? a. number line showing range from negative four to four. there are two rays on the graph. the first has a right end point with a closed dot at negative two with a ray pointing left past negative four. the second has a left end point with an open circle at three with a ray pointing right past four. b. number line -5 to +5 in single-integer increments - assessment graphic c. number line showing range from negative three to three the left end point is an open circle halfway between negative one and zero. there is a closed dot at three, and a ray points past three. d. number line showing range from negative eight to eight. there are two rays on the graph. the first has a right end point with an open circle halfway between negative six and negative four with a ray pointing left past negative eight. the second has a left end point with an open circle at four with a ray pointing right past eight.

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