08.01.2020 • 

Which section should appear in the appendix of a qualitative proposal? a. review of literature b. findings c. proposed budget d. researcher subjectivity statement 2. which activity is an example of a 'warm-up period for scholarly writing? a. writing a grocery list b. editing the methads section c. charting your progress d. writing a letter to a friend 3. the hook-and-eye technique is a way to detemine if a wrtten passage lacks a. validity b. coherence c. depth d. clarity 4. the core idea that is advanced in a research proposal is an example of a. umbrella thought b. big thought c. little thought d. attention thought 5. logic, flow, and clarity of a manuscript are enhanced hy the presence of a. umbrella thoughts b. big thoughts c. little thoughts d. attention thoughts 6. which function of a research introduction is often underdeveloped in research proposals? a. create reader interest in the topic. b. establish the problerm that leads to the study c. place the study within the larger context of the literature. d. target a specific audience.

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