11.06.2020 • 

You are given the following data, where X1 (final percentage in history class) and X2 (number of absences) are used to predict Y (standardized history test score in third grade): Y X1 X2
465 92 2
415 95 2
345 70 3
410 72 3
370 75 4
400 82 0
390 80 1
480 98 0
420 80 2
485 99 0
485 92 6
375 92 6
310 61 5
Determine the following multiple regression values.
Report intercept and slopes for regression equation accurate to 3 decimal places
Intercept: a =
Partial slope X1: b1 =
Partial slope X2: b2 =
Report sum of squares accurate to 3 decimal places:
SSreg = SS
Total =
Test the significance of the overall regression model (report F-ratio accurate to 3 decimal places and P-value accurate to 4 decimal places):
F-ratio =
P-value =
Report the variance of the residuals accurate to 3 decimal places.
Report the results for the hypothesis test for the significance of the partial slope for number of absences

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