02.09.2021 • 

Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy (in calories) your body needs to function at rest. The Harris-Benedict formula is used to estimate the basal metabolic rate. There is one formula for adult males and another for adult females. In these formulas w is your body weight in pounds, h is your height in inches, a is your age in years, M = M(w, h, a) is the basal metabolic rate for adult males, and F = F(w, h, a) is the basal metabolic rate for adult females: M = 66 + 6.3w + 12.7h − 6.8a
F = 655 + 4.3w + 4.7h − 4.7a.
Use functional notation to express the basal metabolic rate of a 16 year old male that weighs 136 pounds and is 72 inches tall.
M ( )
Calculate this value.

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