27.10.2019 • 

Zack and patrick are playing a game of laser tag at zack's birthday party. they are in a
room that is 30 feet wide and 60 feet long. the room has obstacles that block the laser
deams, but it also has walls which reflect the beams.
as shown in the diagram below, zack is standing 6 and 12 feet from the two walls in one
corner of the room. patrick is standing 8 and 15 feet from the two walls in the opposite
corner, and several obstacles between the boys are preventing direct shots.
zack decides that he can hit patrick by bouncing a beam off wall ab. he knows that the
slope of his reflected beam will be the negative of its slope before it hits the wall.
question: how far along the wall from corner a should zack shoot for his reflected
beam to hit patrick?

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