14.04.2020 • 

(4 points) A mother with mass m1 is skating at velocity v1 behind her daughter whose mass is m2, who is skating at v2 . Instead of passing her, Mother inadvertently crashes into Daughter and grabs Daughter around the waist. They maintain their balance and skate off together with velocity vf , right after the collision. a) Sketch the problem with before-and-after diagrams. (You can represent the skaters as blocks). b) Is the collision best described as elastic, inelastic, or perfectly inelastic, why? c) Write the general equations for conservation of momentum in terms of m1 , m2 , v1, v2 , and final velocity vf . d) Given: m1 = 70.0 kg, v1 = 8.00 m/s m2 = 50 kg, v2= 4.00 m/s Solve for the final velocity vf . e) If the collision last 0.25 s, what is the average force delivered during the collision?

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