07.04.2020 • 

A 2.20-kg object is attached to a spring and placed on frictionless, horizontal surface. A horizontal force of 29.0 N is required to hold the object at rest when it is pulled 0.200 m from its equilibrium position (the origin of the x axis). The object is now released from rest from this stretched position, and it subsequently undergoes simple harmonic oscillations. (a) Find the force constant of the spring. N/m (b) Find the frequency of the oscillations. Hz (c) Find the maximum speed of the object. m/s (d) Where does this maximum speed occur? x = ± m (e) Find the maximum acceleration of the object. m/s2 (f) Where does the maximum acceleration occur? x = ± m (g) Find the total energy of the oscillating system. J (h) Find the speed of the object when its position is equal to one-third of the maximum value. m/s (i) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the object when its position is equal to one-third of the maximum value. m/s2

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