13.11.2020 • 

A student used sticky tape to study static electricity during science class. First, the student placed one piece of tape sticky side down on his lab table. Then, he placed another piece of tape on top of the first piece. Next, the student removed the top piece of tape from the table by pulling it away with a very quick motion. Finally, he removed the bottom piece of tape from the table in the same way.

As the student held the two pieces of tape, one piece in each hand, and moved them toward each other, he observed the behavior shown in the picture below.

Which of the following statements best explains the student's observations?
When the top piece of tape was removed, it took electrons away from the bottom piece of tape. When the bottom piece of tape was removed, it took electrons away from the desk. Since both of the pieces of tape became negatively charged, they were attracted to each other.
When the pieces of tape were pulled apart, electrons moved from one piece to the other. One piece of tape became positively charged, and the other became negatively charged. The two pieces of tape were attracted to one another because objects with opposite charges attract.
When the tape pieces were pulled apart, both pieces became neutral. They were attracted to one another because only objects with no net charge are attracted to each other.
When the pieces of tape were pulled apart, both pieces of tape became positively charged. The tape pieces were attracted to each other because only things with like charges attract.

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