12.07.2019 • 

A) write a function that calculates the continuous time fourier transform of a periodic signal x (t). syntax: [w, x]- ctft(, x) the outputs to the function are: w = the frequencies in rad/s, and x = the continuous fourier transform of the signal the inputs to the function are: x- one period of the signal x(t), and t the time vector the continuous time fourier transform of a signal x(t) is given by: | x(t)e-jatdt x(a))= b) write a function that calculates the inverse continuous time fourier transform. the inverse continuous-time fourier transform is given by: 2π syntax: x ictft(t, w. x) the output to the function is: the signal x(t) the inputs to the function are: the time vector, w = the frequencies in rad/s, and x = the continuous fourier transform c) test both ofyour functions ctft and ictft with x(t) =sin(t) , where t =-50: 0.1 : 50, and use subplot to plot each of x(c), and the output of icft to verify its accuracy. label all plots and axes appropriately

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