28.09.2019 • 

Apendulum of length l with a bob of mass m executes a (dimensionless) angular displacement when the pendulum is vertically downward. see fig. 1.5. use newton's law to derive the equation of motion for the pendulum by noting that the acceleration is d2s/dt2, wheres by the bob; the force is -mg vertically downward, and only the component tangential to the arc of oscillation affects the motion. the model is 0(t) from its attachment point, with 0 = 0 10 is the length of the circular arc traveled d20 9 + dt2 sin 0 0. if the bob is released from a small angle 00 at time t dimensionless initial value problem describing the motion. (observe that the radian measurement 0 is dimensionless, but one can still scale 0 by 0o.) 0, formulate а

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