14.11.2019 • 

Asolar thermal plant with energy storage capability is to be constructed at about a 40° latitude to provide the electric energy to a system whose 24-hr average load is 100 mwe during the winter. assume that the solar thermal power plant will have a 25% energy conversion efficiency; that the nighttime load is 40% of the total load; and that 10% of the energy that must be stored is lost. (a) determine the total land area (in km2) required for the reflectors (heliostats). (b) for comparison also determine the area (in km2) required for a fixed horizontal system. in both cases, it is believed that a parabolic reflector system can be set up so that the reflectors cover 45% of the land area on which they are placed. the reflected energy collected at 40° latitude in winter is 6 kw·hr/m2·day for a tracking system, and only 1.85 kw·hr/m2·day for a horizontal fixed system.

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