04.05.2021 • 

Mark deteriorated rapidly and lost consciousness by the time the group reached the lower camp. The urgency of the situation strengthened the tired legs of the climbers, as Tom, John,
and Pete carried Mark the final yards towards camp. Emily had run ahead to call for support
help, and the group was told an airlift was on its way and would be there within the hour. The
camp's medical tent had some basic supplies and a resident paramedic, and he and Emily went
to work stabilizing Mark with oxygen and a Gamow bag (a pressurization bag AKA a portable
hyperbaric chamber).
90 Minutes Later, Denali Valley Hospital
"We have a 28-year-old white male, unresponsive, no prior history of pulmonary disease, who
became unconscious around 15,000 feet after hiking to 17,000 feet earlier today. His friends
say he was having severe breathing difficulty prior to losing consciousness"
As the paramedic droned on, Emily looked around for the nearest phone so she could locate
Mark's family in case this was as serious as it looked.
1. How would the oxygen and Gamow bag help Mark?

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