10.10.2019 • 

Now, both the infinite square well system and the simple harmonic oscillator system still have the same value for their ground state energies, eground, but the wavefunctions for both systems are described as a superposition of two energy eigenstates, namely their ground state and their third excited state. what is r(sho/square), the ratio of t1(sho), the minimum time it takes for the probability density rho rho (x,t1,sho) of the simple harmonic oscillator system to return to its original value (rho rho (x,0)) to t1(square), the minimum time it takes for the probability density rho rho (x,t1,square) of the infinite square well system to return to its original value (rho rho (x,0)) ? i.e., r(sho/square) = t1(sho) / t1(square).

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