16.08.2021 • 

Question: How fast can your fingers walk across your work area at home? Claim: (20 points)
What is your answer to the Question? State your Claim in complete sentence.
Evidence: (50 points)
• How far did your fingers have to travel to get across your work area at home? What did you use
to measure the distance? Be sure to include the standard unit of measurement for distance.
. How long does it take for your fingers to walk across your work area? How did you measure the
time? Be sure to include the standard unit of measurement for time.
. Calculate how fast your fingers walked across your work area. Use the equation for velocity,
v=d/t. Show your work: Include the equation, your data plugged in, and make sure your answer
has the correct units of measurement.
Reasoning: (30 points)
1. Link your claim(s) to your evidence by:
. State whether or not your claim(s) was(were) correct.
Use your evidence to explain why your claim was correct or incorrect.
2. If you shortened the distance that your fingers had to travel, but your time stayed the same,
Would your speed increase, decrease, or stay the same?
3. If your fingers walked across your work area in less time, would your speed increase, decrease, or
stay the same?
. Why?

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