23.10.2020 • 

The acceleration due to gravity at Earth’s surface is 9.8 m/s2. Approximately how far from the surface of Earth would an object need to be to experience half of that acceleration? The radius of Earth is 6,378,100 m, and the mass of Earth is 5.97*1024 kg. Two identical particles have the same mass, and each holds a charge of 1,602*10-19C. What would the mass of each particle need to be for the ratio of the gravitational force to the electrostatic force of the particles to be 1?

Two identical charged objects exert an electrostatic force of 50 N onto each other when they are 125 km apart. What are the charges of the objects?

Two identical objects exert a gravitational force of -0.016 N onto each other when they are 0.25 cm apart. What is the mass of each object?

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