20.08.2019 • 

The double-slit experiment consider a double-slit experiment with a red laser of wavelength 2 = 640 nm incident on a pair of horizontal slits vertically separated by distance d= 16 um. a screen is placed a distance l = 1 m away. 1) (1.5 points make a sketch of what you see on the screen, including at least five fringes (bright bands). next to your sketch, graph intensity vs. y, where y=0 is on the optical axis. on your sketch, identify the central maximum, the two first-order maxima, the two first-order minima. g) [1 point] find the angle omin,l and location ymin,l of the first-order minimum on either side of the central maximum. what is the width of the central maximum. [hint: the width of a fringe is the distance between the minima on either side of the central maximum - in this case it would be the distance from the first-order minimum on one side to the first-order minimum on the other side.] h) [1 point] find the angular width and the linear width of the ſirst-order maximum. [hint: the angular width is the angular difference between the two minima surrounding the maximum. in this case, omin, 2 – omin.l. the linear width is the distance between the first minimum to the second minimum, y'min, 2 – y'min.l.1 i) [1.5 points] how do your answers to the previous part change under the following changes to the setup: . the distance to the screen is doubled to l = 2 m. the slit-scparation is doubled to d= 32 um. • the wavelength is shortened to 3/4 its original to 2 = 480 nm (blue light).

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