02.09.2021 • 

The two speakers at S1 and S2 are adjusted so that the observer at O hears an intensity of 6 W/m2 when either S1 or S2 is sounded alone. The speakers are driven in phase (at the speakers) with various frequencies of sound. The distance between the two speakers is L = 4 m and distance between S1 and the observer is also L = 4 m. Assume that the speed of sound is 335 m/s. Suppose both speakers are driven a frequency f = 30 Hz. 1. What is I, the intensity of the combined wave at the observer?
2. What is Imax, the maximum possible intensity of the combined waves at the observer at O, assuming the observer would still hear the intensity of 6 W/m2 when either S1 or S2 is sounded alone?
3. What is fmin,1, the lowest frequency that will produce the maximum intensity (Imax) at the observer, assuming the observer would still hear the intensity of 6 W/m2 when either S1 or S2 is sounded alone?
4. What is fmin,2, the lowest frequency that will produce the minimum intensity at the observer, assuming the observer would still hear the intensity of 6 W/m2 when either S1 or S2 is sounded alone?
5. What is fmin,3, the lowest frequency that will produce an intensity I3 = Imax/4 at the observer, assuming the observer would still hear the intensity of 6 W/m2 when either S1 or S2 is sounded alone?

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