05.02.2020 • 

When a propagule falls into the water, it displaces some water, which causes a small splash.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

a heavier propagule will fall faster and hit the water with more force, causing a bigger splash.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

the drifting propagule tends to stay in motion. it will only get stuck in the mud and start to take root when it is really time to germinate.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

when a propagule is ready to fall off of the parent tree, it must overcome the inertia that keeps it in place.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

occasionally, another branch or leaf will rub against a seedling due to wind or water action, and cause it to fall prematurely.
a. first law of motion> > >
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

a seedling falling into the water does so with more force than a leaf, since it has more mass.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

as a seedling's roots begin to grow into the mud, they displace the soil particles, which are moved aside to make room for the new tree.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

manatees are large marine mammals that live in the mangroves. to scratch their itchy backs, they like to rub against the roots of the mangroves.
a. first law of motion
b. second law of motion
c. third law of motion
d. friction

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