07.11.2019 • 

Zebra mussels were introduced into the great lakes region in the 1960s. they are not a native species and they spread quickly throughout the area. zebra mussels attach to other species of mussels and often kill them. they also use up resources that native mussel species depend on for survival. as a result, zebra mussels have almost completely gotten rid of native mussels in the great lakes region.

based on the table below, what type of interaction do the zebra mussels have with the native mussels?
organismal function a bodily function, such as heart rate or body temperature, that affects an individual organism
population interaction an interaction between members of the same species, such as mating
community interaction an interaction between members of different species, such as predator/prey interactions or competition between two or more different species
ecosystem interaction an interaction between the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem, such as a drought killing many different plant and animal species in an area

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