27.01.2021 • 
Social Studies

1. How did Barilla describe her life at Lowell? Include detail from the text to give a thorough description of her life.

2. What happens to Barilla’s friend, Ann Graham? What can we conclude about working conditions at Lowell?

3. How did her family feel about Barilla working in the mills? Support your answer with a quote.

4. Florena Austin writes, “I think one year is long enough to stay at a time. I do not approve of girls staying in
the factory till they get all run down and good for nothing . . .” According to this quote, how are factory
girls viewed by the world?

5. Given the dangers of the factory and the fact that her family wants her to come home, why would they
have allowed her to leave in the first place? Hypothesize possible reasons below.

6. What happened to Barilla and what can we conclude about conditions at the factory?

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